GERALDINE - the White Rose of Hungary

Year 2017 marks 105 anniversary of the Independence of Albania and 95 anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Albania and Hungary. To celebrate these two occasions the Embassy of Albania in Budapest and the Hungarian National Museum co-operated to open an exhibition on Geraldine Apponyi, titled “Geraldine – the White Rose of Hungary”. The opening coincides also with the 15th anniversary of her death, on 23rd October 2002 in Tirana. The speakers in the opening ceremony considered Queen Geraldine as a personality which brings together Albanians and Hungarians and recalled her kindness, her beauty and her dedication to the emancipation of the Albanian society. The exhibition will stay opened until 7 January 2018.

A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum kiállításán jártam.
Köszönet a kiállításért, hódolat és tisztelet a Királynénak! 

Bol som na vystave v Maďarskom Národnom Múzeu.
Vďaka za výstavu, pocta a čest Kráľovnej!

Ho visitato una mostra nel Museo Nazionale Ungherese.
Grazie per la mostra, onore ed omaggio alla Regina!